Internet Access for Europe


Staff member
[On May 3, 10:07am Leporatti wrote:]
hi Guys
I hope someone can help me as soon as possible.
we are a company that we are using macosx 10.3 and we work from the UK to all over Europe.
We used to have AOL to support our Internet network but as you probably already known AOL doesn 't support macosx 10.3 in Europe anymore.
Basically we can still use internet in the UK using them but not when we go to the Continent.
Does any of you know which other internet provider we can call to support us in Europe?

Many tmany thanks


[On May 3, 10:42am Scott W. wrote:]
This would be best posted in our forums. I will do that on your behalf and will reference it when I get done posting it.

Scott - Tech Support