Internet Connect persists in disconnecting


I have just upgraded one of my drives to OSX 10.3.9. It was a brand new HD, I installed OSX 10.3 then upgraded directly using the 10.3.9 combo updater.

I am getting prompts every 15 min from Internet Connect to stay connected (I have VDSL) and hunted fruitlessly everywhere for the place to turn this off.

With help from I was pointed to the "PPPoE Options" button buried in Systems Preferences>Network>PPPoE between Save Password and Show PPPoE status.

Despite unchecking all the options in Session Options it is still prompting me to disconnect.

May I suggest Apple:

1. Offer a link to change the setting in the dialog box that pops up as well as the menubar.

2. Put that option with Internet Connect where it belongs

3 Make any changes actually apply

This whole area of networking settings desperately needs fixing, it is one of the more complex and confusing parts of OSX.

I have long ago stopped trying to share with my older OS9 machines which crash when trying to share with my G4. This is more than just annoying when I receive client files on floppies.

I also cannot share a Mac volume with my PC without resorting to 3rd party software. Windows 2000 can share a volume, so can OS7-9, why not OSX? Having to pass files via shared folders is slow, clumsy, full of permission errors and leaves a trail of files that leads to version errors.

Further, I use my G4/OSX to route my VDSL connection to my network of 5 Macs and 1 PC. Each time I restart the G4 (not out of choice) I must go back to Sharing and click on Share Internet again. Locking settings is counter intuitive because settings change in the disabled options.

Nor have I been able to discover an option to automatically log on to the VDSL connection when I start up.

I have looked for these features ever since OSX came out and am curious, not hopeful, that there will be improvements in Tiger.
The disconnection problem cleared itself up after a restart. Why it didn't just work puzzles me. This after all is a clean, new install.