Internet Explorer Crashing with Quicktime


:( After I installed 10.1.1 Internet Explorer crashes whenever i try and load a page that uses the quicktime plugin (eg., and Apples movie trailers)!! I love Quicktime and can't go without it any longer and it doesn't work with opera!! Please you guys have always helped in the past!! [explorer 5.1.3 (3950) and quicktime 5]:confused:
it does the same thang to me in x and os 9.1
i wish thay would shit or get of the pot!!!!!
it has been like that the hole time
i watched a nice lord of the rings trailer in quicktime with icab the other day. could be it's better. could be it's a better thing to do as well. ;)
Not to be rude here or anything, but Hervé, would you mind not posting something if it's not relevant to the topic. I know some people like your little comments, but keep them to threads that don't deal with problems. I really don't like seeing my thread at the top of the list and hoping that someone's answered my question, when I only get this.

Please, just keep it to threads that aren't asking for help.
I haven't had any crashes with Explorer and Quicktime specifically, but Explorer seems to crash with everything else :mad: so... I switched to Omniweb. Yes Quicktime works with Omniweb. Yay!
I have heard about a fix from Microsoft and Apple. If you have the latest version everything is good except for old hw.
SimX - 2 things to consider here -

1st notice what forum you are in - this is general discussion. this is not troubleshooting. herve is discussing something. actually his posts in this thread make more immediate sense than most of his others. but post a problem in this forum, then you gotta expect herve and the rest of the peanut gallery to respond. too many people post their troubleshooting problems here and troubleshooting forum seems to be largely ignored. this is sad, because people who need help are often being ignored while people chat about "my browser's bigger than your browser."

2nd -often when herve or anyone else gives any reply to your questions they are doing you a favor by bumping your post back up to the top where it is more likely to be seen by someone who actually knows the answer. questions can slip off into the unnoticed past pretty quickly if not active.

but one good thing about your post to herve - you're talking to him, not about him. really positive way to communicate with him. I have found he responds well to this. don't you herve?

btw herve - icab is free, it even comes in a german version. the manual is only available in german. i am guessing that you understand at least some german. check it out.
I had the same problem with IE until I updated the QuickTime plugin, then all was well again with IE. Not that I use it much, as I use OmniWeb.
shall we?

i had the problem with mac os x 10.1.1 when i first upgraded from a beta of 10.1.1. internet explorer would crash suddenly. i reinstalled and upgraded 10.1 directly to the 'real' 10.1.1. maybe you haven't done something like that, but a reinstall would surely solve the problem, because i don't hear many people having an unusable ie/10.1.1 combination.
To All those of said to download iCab:
I downloaded iCab like suggested, and in my opinion it really, really sucks. When trying to load a site, it will sit for about a minute, give and error, then load the page. When it finally loads the page it is very slow!! Right now it is trying to load this page, while i've already loaded it three times in IE and 4 in Opera!! i've played with the settings and still no improvements. I'm on an Airport network on my PowerBook G4 with 512 megs of shouldn't be that slow!! Don't know if the Airport is the reason for error.:mad:
well, opera is nice too. i find icab is faster once i got it tweaked. took me a couple of weeks of fiddling here and there to do it though. two simple things that help are broadband optimizer and xoptimize. icab tends to get a boost from these, more so than ie or opera. i think the prebinding is a big help. hopefully future versions will prebind on their own.
second was changing the toolbar icon set. the default isn't bad, some of the custom sets really slow it down, and the one i am using now releases the speed. I think it os mac osxish aqua or some such. play with them til you find a good one. I would also agree with those who applaud omniweb. i would probably switch to it if it would just properly render a page i vist everyday. I've written and they ignore.
i think my biggest bitch about the new browsers is that none of them provide any better customer service than the old ones. none return emails, answer questions or even provide decent manuals. this is a shame. i've been very dissapointed in them from this aspect. if you want to make a better browser, you should be communicating with the people who use it. none of them seem to be in any hurry to make the best browser ever seen.