internet not working.


I just updated my OS 10.0.3 to OS 10.0.4,:D and now my internet has stopped working:mad: . I use sympatico high speed internet, and when I press connect in the internet connect app, it either ignores me completely, or stays on "contacting PPP host" please help!!:confused: :confused: :confused:
go back and reset your prefs in network. you might need to setup a new location.
Also, if you're on a LAN, you might need to unselect the "Internal Modem" option. OSX has been known to prefer that setting.

After I install osx on any system, I delete the "internal modem" option and force the machine to keep the "Built-In-Ethernet" option. Of course, don't do this if you are using a dial-up connection to the interent. (Since you didn't mention that I'm just assuming the possibilty that your on a LAN).