internet provider dialup needed....


MAC OS 9.2.... software installed.....on the old Imac

looking for something like the PC smartsurf program, that will let me dial up the cheapest internet provider and surf the net!

ie. shareware software or alike.... any ideas or recommendations?

ps... I am currently located in Germany... if that make a difference!
Willkommen, Chris! :)

There is no such tool I know about. It would be more interesting to setup some kind of timeschedule for the dialup-configurations which you should setup on your own. But if you are looking for a tool that is automatically updating itself with the most recent and cheapest providers at a certain time, you might very likely not succeed.

Tut mir leid... :(
There's another way of tackling this problem.

You need something like the Powergen dialer box.

Just plug your phone line into one end of the box and your telephone into the other and hey presto! And the box is free with no fees.

Problem is, this is for the UK, but there has to be a German equivalent...

That web site does not give information about the box. What does it do?
You're right!

I'm not quite sure where you'd need to go to find out about the dialer box.

The only other thing you could do is call them!

Like I said, I imagine that there is a German telecoms company doing the same sort of thing...