Internet/safari Problems


This is rather involved, but here goes...

I recently tried to run a program that apparently only worked with OS9. Following instructions provided by a local Mac shop here in NYC, I tried it. All I got was that smiley face when the computer first started up, then nothing.
I tried everything. I decided that running the program wasn't worth the trouble, and tried to switch back to OSX. No luck. I was stuck with the smiley face.
With the advice of the staff at my local Mac store, I re-installed OSX.
All of my settings were saved, etc., but there is one problem.
Safari doesn't work. Internet Explorer doesn't work either.
I get internet on Sherlock (I can go to ebay, but can't bid on items).
ITunes works.
I can use the dictionary,translator etc in Sherlock.
It's almost as if the stream only goes one way.

In other words, my internet went from being "interactive" to merely viewable.

The little "OSX Spring" Icon that sends you directly to Apples OSX webpage doesn't even work. No windows open- Nothing.

Any ideas?

Should I erase the Hard Drive, re-install the original OS 9 that came with the machine then install OSX?

Even though the machine is a G-4 from about 4 yrs. ago, the box was only opened a couple of weeks ago, so there is nothing on the machine I can't live without....

THANKS in advance