Invisibility ... a ghost on the network!



I have a very local network : an iMac 233 RevB OS X.1.3 and an iBook ][ OS X.1.3. They are linked thanks to a "cable croisé" (sorry, I'm french, I think it can be translated with "crossed cable"). One has as IP, the other is set to I put on File sharing and apache on every one of them.
I connect easily each one to the other's web site, thanks to Internet Explorer. So there is no configuration problem. I also connect easily to the shared volumes and folder typing the right IP in the Finder "Se connecter à un serveur" (I guess it is "connect to a server" in english).
But when, in this same menu, I try to explore my network, clicking the "Local Network" icon, it finds no computer. But when I connect one of those two computers - well configured since when I type manually the IP it works - to my G4, with as IP, I see them in my "Local Network" exploration.

How can you explain this "invisibility" ? Do you know a way to fix it ?

Thank you,
You need to install and configure the Samba suite,
Open you Network Control Panel and enable AppleTalk on the second tab