invisible apps in the dock

mr. k

Is there a way that you can keep a certain applications icon from being in the dock? Say you keep it open all the time and want it to just stay in the background.. Can you write something to its plist that keeps it out of the dock? I have a graphical app that I want to be able to just be invisible from the dock... thanks for your help.
Yes...go to where the app is, control click on it and choose "Show package contents"

Go into the Contents folder, and open up Info.plist in whatever editing program you want to.

Add this at the bottom (before the last </dict>, though):


Just a note, though. This also makes the program's menu bar invisible. And you won't be able to tell when it's active, the menu bar stuff will look like you are still in whatever program you were in before you clicked on the one that had that stuff above added to it.

You can still use any of the menu actions that have key commands assigned to them. So like, if you want to quit it, you can click on it and do command-q and it'll quit.
Ok, thanks a lot man thats exactly what I was looking for, but is there another way to make it work in a carbon app? This carbon app doesn't have a show package contents, so I just added the xml to its plist file and it didn't make the app run invisible. Is it possible? thanks for your reply though.