Invisible duplicates?


I have a folder with jpeg images on my Mac. I tar the folder and shoot it up to my server (ubuntu os). In the FTP I can see that every jpeg file and sub folder has a greyd out duplicate file but with the prefix "._"

So i.e. 24.jpg also have a ._24.jpg BUT when I go through the terminal and make a "ls folder" I don't see the ._ strange files.

What's going on here???
When you copy files from OS X to PCs, you'll often see these invisible files. They are used to store Mac-specific data, such as the resource fork and filesystem metadata attributes. These things don't exist outside of Macs, so when copying to PCs, Apple puts the data in those "._" files.

Any file name beginning with a "." will show up as invisible in any Unix-like OS, including OS X and Ubuntu. If you did a "ls -a" in Ubuntu, you would see the files.

There are a few Mac apps that you might find useful: