iPhone international chars?


Is it possible to put accents on letters when entering contacts (or, for that matter, SMSs) into the iPhone?

I figure there has to be a way beause I have at least one song in iTunes where the name of the song and artist are both in Greek characters and they transferred flawlessly into my iPod Nano.

Perhaps the only option is to create the contact with the accented name on the iMac contacts and then sync the phone?

Using the iPhone "keyboard", just hold down the letter key you wish to modify . A popup menu will appear showing the possible modified symbols. For example, if you want "å", hold down the "a" key and choose "å" from the popup menu.
hm. it's too bad for users who actually _need_ those characters on a regular basis. in German, French etc. they're not just an aesthetical addition, they're required for the language to work (else you have to replace "ä" with "ae" and stuff like that) correctly. can't really write "Demnächst würden wir gerne Umlaute ohne Änderungen im System schreiben können..." quickly if you have to hold down the keys all the time.

treos and blackberries have similar problems, however if Apple's really proud of MultiTouch patents, then why not simply have a shift-key working?