iPhoto is blind


Ministry of Re-Education
I was wondering why iPhoto can't see or import the movies(AVI's) on my digital Camera(Canon Powershot G3). Is there an option I've missed that will allow this? Is there a haxie somwhere that will allow this?

iView Media Pro Works for this, and the Canon ImageBrowser Software works for this, but not iPhoto.

And that's a shame because I really liked the level of integration that iPhoto had with my other apps. It's one of the smoothest image browsing apps out there and I was quite fond of it's red-eye removal capability.

Unfortunately, until iPhoto can detect movies, it's useless to me.
iPhoto does not import the movies from still cameras.


Image Capture in the utilities folder may pull them off. If the camera mounts on the desktop like a regular USB disk, you may be able to drag the movie files by hand.

They are AVIs? Most still cameras produce MPEG video. You may have some issues playing the AVIs on the Mac. Try Quicktime, M$'s Media Player, and then search on versiontracker.com for any other players.
The AVI's play just fine in Quicktime. They are apparently treated the same as .mov
They also import into iMovie with no trouble either.

I know image capture came as part of 10.2, I remember using it a few times until I deleted it along with iPhoto. I can't find it at versiontracker nor can I get it to reinstall with the software restore discs, it's really really odd.

If somebody knows where I could find this utility for downoad that would be great.
Use ImageBrowser, it came standard with your camera, it's on the official cd. The application on the CD should be Classic only, but download the new ImageBrowser here ...
... and install. Note: The installer WILL ask you for your original CD.

ImageBrowser does the same as iPhoto but it's not as powerful (it doesn't have albums) but it does allow the download of movies. It's a bit slower than iPhoto too.
