iPod (15G) and a very small hard drive. What to do?


Just picked up a 15G iPod. I'm in love.

My hard drive only has about 2G of room left and I've got 15Gs on the iPod. Can I simply use iTunes to rip my CDs, shuttle the files over to the iPod and then delete the files on my iMac?

Is it as simple as that? Any concerns about synching?

Yeah, that seems like a good idea. If you ever feel like listening to music while on computer, you can even still use iTunes. If you ever need to back up your music though (if the iPod is malfunctioning or you want to do something crazy like a case-mod), you can't easily. If you have tinker-tools (and if you don't, why not!?), you can easily turn on hidden and system files. Inside there is all the music.

Have fun with your iPod and all your new space!
If you do a search on the subject, there's information ona not-too-old thread on how to safely delete mp3s from your hard drive without losing anything on your iPod,
Excellent advice. Thanks.

All of my music is backed up on CDs already (in the event something happens to the iPod).

I've turned off auto-sync in iPod Preferences in iTunes and will manage the files manually.

ipodlounge.com also had some good info on using iPod & Toast Titanium to shuttle files from the iPod back to my iMac.

Thanks again!