Uhh.. I just got my new ipod video and it sratches sooo easily!!
I keep it in the case thingy that comes with it but I mean I've kept it away from harms way and somehow it is scratched pretty bad I mean What the Hell!!
Its brand new and everything. I've got a case for it now but I cant reverse the damage already done!!
Mine looks like I've given it to a cat for a scratching post! Be careful you don't put pressure against the screen though... I must have (stupidly) put my keys in my pocket with the mighty iPod and I now have a small discoloured dull zone on the screen about the size of a grain of rice, which p*sses me off A LOT! Keys and Ipods DON'T mix!
Are you converting all your DVD's to put on the iPod? If so what software are you using? I've been using HandBrake 7.0 2.0 but the iPod seems VERY picky as to which of the converted MP4's it wants to use... So far I have converted 40+ films, 30 work and 10 it doesn't like....