ipod clipboard to notes length


can anyone test the ipod applescript that converts text on the clipboard from text to 4k notes files with a file over 20,000 characters?

when i try it it returns error 20013 which the apple website says occurs when the result of an event exceeds 20,000 characters.
since this is rather annoying can anyone think of a way around it?
that was the point of the script in the first place-to split a huge text file into 4k chunks. having to split it into 20k chunks before hand defeats the entire point of the script.

anyway, it turns out that if you have the debug window up and have show event results checked it will break on results over 20k. getting rid of it makes it work.
the script still wont work on it own though...
Can anyone confirm that the new ipods or software will allow for 32k notes? What other html formatting besides the very basic we have now will be available to us?