ipod g3 baffler


Hi I wonder if anyone can help

I am trying to fix a g3 ipod with 'broken folder' symptoms

I thought it was the hard drive but just to check I swapped the hard drive with my g2 ipod. Surprise, surprise the g2 works with the drive I thought ws dead whereas the g3 still shows broken folder with the drive I KNOW to work.

So I conclude that the ide controller or something else on the logic board is dead. I buy a new logic board on ebay and install it. Surprise, surprise, I still have broken folders!

What else could it be? Would a g2 ipod be more forgiving of a faulty drive? Would one expect a g2 drive to work in a g3 ipod? Could it be something as simple as the ide cable? (surely not!?)

If anyone has any ideas...

have you plugged it in a computer and run the ipod updater yet? sounds like the ipod can't find the ipod os. if the ipod updater doesn't do the trick, then the ipod is hosed.
Yes i did try to run ipod updater.

When i plug the ipod in it just shows a broken folder. the computer doesn't find it.

However when i take out the HD and plug it into a 1.8" ATA adapter it is seen by the computer. Another ipod also sees it. So I can't see how the HD can be the trouble.

I have replaced the logic board with no effect.

The ipod runs internal diagnostics OK except the HD test which hangs.

I am now thinking that either:-

-Both logic boards have the same failure? (seems unlikely)
-Could the battery being shot do this?
-It could be a failure of the ipod ATA cable? (seems unlikely)
-Could a failure of other components- i.e. the click wheel board- do this?
-A bad sector on the HD which is hardcoded to an essential function with g3 ipod firmware but not g2? (seems unlikely)
The ATA cable does fail! I had a very similar thing with my 3G iPod. After checking the drive externally with an adaptor, it was o.k., I bought a second hand cable and it worked! I know the cable doesn't get plugged and unplugged but maybe the some cables suffer from 'dry' soldering joints.
Thanks so much.

Weird how so many G3 ipods are for sale broken whereas no G2 ones are? I guess its a bit like the story about Henry Ford sending people to breakers yards to check which car parts he could make more cheaply? When an internal cable fails like that something is definately shoddy.
well, my 3g ipod still is great, even after all the abuse it has recieved. there could also be so many for sale because people don't like the controls ( it is the only one where they aren't all aroung the wheel ) but i like it way better than the click wheel. or people know that older ones will not really get them much money, where the 3g ones can still bring in enouph to help getting a new nano or video ipod.