iPod & iTunes nit picks...


I am the law!
I've had my 20gb iPod for a few weeks now and I've come accross a few minor things that annoy me.

1) Smart playlist are really really cool...but. I can't seem to figure out how to edit them after they're created. So if I create a new smart playlist and then forget something [like to limit the number of songs allowed on it] I have to recreate it to fix it and then delete the old one.

2) I have my iPod set to auto update. When I first connect it, it syncs up. But if I add MP3s to iTunes and then disconnec the iPod, the songs will not be on the iPod. I have to disconnect it and then reconnect it before it syncs up. However, they programmed it so that the play counts are updated on the iPod as the songs play in iTunes...which makes my computer remount and unmount the iPod at the end of every song.

3) when the iPod crashes [which it does occasionally] the clock gets reset. All of the other settings remain in tact, but I have set the clock more times on my iPod than I have on my VCR :rolleyes: Oh well, at least the scroll wheel makes it fun to do.
I can only answer your 1st question since I don't yet have an iPod. :(

Select/Highlight the SmartList you want to edit and hit Command/Apple I on your keyboard. (kinda odd, but it works).
I can answer the second question. After you add songs and what not.... and you are ready to eject your iPod go to the file menu go to the bottom and pick "Update iPod" Then when it is done updating you can eject and have fun.

As for the first question to edit the smart playlist.
The other guy is right. In the file menu it is under "Get Info" or Apple/I.

Thrid question. My iPod does not crash, but it the batter gets to low the clock needs reset which is a shame... but I can live with it.

There you go.

Hey guys, thanks!
I didnt realize there was a "Update iPod" menu. I foudn the "Eject" one under Control and figured that Update would have been there. Guess I didn't look hard enough :)

Life is slightly better :p