iPod - Old tunes NEW computer


Got this iPod - but the Old computer died.
Had to get a new one.. now it wants to reformat the ipod — Go figure.

What I want to do is get the tunes - some of which are irreplaceable - off from the iPod onto the computer - so I can do a proper back up and reorginize my musical life.

Any help will be appreciated.

BTW: the computer sees the tunes and I can play them but I cannot figure a way to actually copy them from the iPod.

Please tell me there is a way?? ?? ?? "Oh-Bee-WoN" you are my ony hope. :-(

stumped in Atlanta...
there are several apps like the one HomunQlus mentioned. if that one in particular didn't do the trick for you, do a search on versiontracker.com or ask another time, and i'll gladly point you in the right direction..
