iPod seems to be, locked?


I'm an iPod newbie. Have been using it for a while, without trouble, I just noticed this after I upgraded to the latest firmware.

When I plug in my iPod, and tell it to update with iTunes, it says it updated... when in fact it hasn't.

In iTunes, I notice at the bottom it shows my number of songs, the empty space in the iPod (a lot), but the empty space is shown as 5.74GB (lock icon)

there is a lock icon beside it. I take it this is saying that the ipod is locked so it won't sync anymore songs?

How do I unlock this? Maybe this isn't the problem?

When I go to file, update my ipod, it runs for a split second, and says its updated. All the new songs I wanna update have checks by them btw.

Sorry this is so vauge. Not sure what's goin on :-)
As far as I know, the locked icon always shows. It showed up on mine when I added my entire library to my new iPod, so I'm pretty sure that's not it.

Do you only have certain playlists being updated, and the news songs aren't in those playlists? That could be it.
I am trying to update certian playlists, and the new songs aren't in them, so those play lists aren't being updated...

but actually I would like to update my entire library. How do you force it to update the entire library again?

Any ideas? Thanks for your help guys.
To have it update the entire library rather than just selected playlists, hit the iPod Preferences button (it's one of the buttons on the bottom right, to the left of the Equilizer button when you have your iPod selected), then click the top button that says "Automatically update all songs and playlists" rather than having the next one down selected.

Then go up to the File menu and select "Update Songs on iPod" (will actually say whatever you named your iPod, not "iPod").
Actually it's not working again... this is weird.

My ipod doesn't sych all the songs in my library. Just a few of them. I believe this started after I last upgraded my firmware.

Does anyone have any other ideas on what may be causing it? That lock thing I thought was wrong with it has nothing to do with it btw.
Hey guys, how can I totally wipe my iPod's memory?

Like, all the songs, the firmware, everything

Maybe if I resync from scratch it'll wake up and grab all my songs next time.
Easiest way is to grab the latest iPod firmware updater from Apple, launch that and it'll have two choices: Update and Refresh. If you choose refresh, it wipes all the data off the iPod.