iPod sound issue.


I just got my ipod and i'm loading it up with music but i have noticed that when i'm using it, i have it set to random, all songs, and everynow and then i get a little 2 second noise (like part of a song) when it's switching between songs.

Anybody know what might be up?

Follow Up. It seems to only happen with songs that i downloaded instead of ripped. Does iPod know the differance?


(by the way i download the songs that i've scrached the hell out of the CDs)
You DO have the latest software installed, right? (iPod Software Updater 1.1)
Yes but i wonder if i should re-install it. How do you do that? I think i should because i've froze three times in three days.

If you want to reinstall the iPod software, be sure everything is backed up off of the iPod and download iPod Software Updater 1.1 (which is now available in Software Update). If you've already downloaded that update, it is in /Applications/Utilities/ and you can reinitialize/restore the iPod software from there.