Iraqi villagers welcome U.S. troops


If you feel we shouldnt be fighting this war you should take a look at this. Isnt giving the Iraqi people what they want more of a reason to fight this war. I firmly believe so, if they want a Saddam free Iraq I say give them what they want.

Iraqi villagers welcome U.S. troops


Support The Troops!!!!
you know, if i saw the american army rolling in unopposed, i'd go get on their good sides too. which is not to say that i don't doubt that these people would like a better life. and i certainly hope they get one after all this.

frankly, being invaded by america is one of the best things that can happen to a country. it opens up worlds of opportunity. in fact, maybe france is trying to be invaded next so they can be rebuilt into the economic prosperity of a japan.

i'm just glad that this is what we have encountered so far. this isn't war. this is humans relating with humans. something people in the entire mid east need to learn more of. like what kind of bs is this turkish force coming in after being told to stay out. yet more of the not so well thought out parts of this action.
Originally posted by edX
of. like what kind of bs is this turkish force coming in after being told to stay out. yet more of the not so well thought out parts of this action.

It was just last week that the US was going to give 30 billion in aid to use eastern Turkish air bases AND the US was going to allow Turkey free reign in dealing with the Iraqi Kurds. In other words, allow Turkey to commit genocide. Another sign of GW's hypocrisy.
Originally posted by edX
frankly, being invaded by america is one of the best things that can happen to a country. it opens up worlds of opportunity. in fact, maybe france is trying to be invaded next so they can be rebuilt into the economic prosperity of a japan.

:p Hehè ... Invade Italy then after France. The economy there sucks far more than in France. ;)
sorry gia, we already did that within recent memory. if they screwed it up, that's their fault. :D

actually we invaded france too. just not against the french. that didn't count. ;)
Wait if there are 25 + millions of Italo-Americans that means we screwed your system :p

.. hey all this anti-french stuff now? just blame Canada? ;)
Bone, don't forget who you're dealing with here, these bush detractors that take pleasure in denegrating the U.S. and its military as imperiialist blood thirsty oil thiefs, feel disgust when they see each of these villages being leberated, they feel contempt and bitterness when they see happy Iraqi's, smiling and kissing their liberators.

Look, if this goes well, and it will, the democrats/liberals can kiss 2004 goodbye and chances are, California aside, there won't be another liberal democrat elected for another 10 years or so. This is why good news is bad news for them - wierd, isn't it?

And ugg, you're really sounding more and more like a shrill conspiracy theorist. But keep it up, it's good for everyone to see in black and white what you people are all about.
I was hoping that this would make some of you realize that there is more at stake than disarming a mad man that likes to gas citizens in his country. Its about citizens getting what the deserve and that is a Saddam free Iraq. I've talk to some Iraqi-American citizens here in San Diego, I found out that the Iraqi's have been wanting the U.S. to come in and take Saddam out of power for a long time. Dont think its just because of our fire power they are now singing the U.S. praise.
Originally posted by edX
frankly, being invaded by america is one of the best things that can happen to a country. it opens up worlds of opportunity. in fact, maybe france is trying to be invaded next so they can be rebuilt into the economic prosperity of a japan.

As was the premise for the movie "The Mouse That Roared."
Seen tonight on TV:

An Iraqi welcomes US troups:
"Thank you for freeing us, but where is the food, where are the medics ?"

Basically everybody wants the $$$, but if it can come without the bombs, it's better.
Originally posted by boneske
I've talk to some Iraqi-American citizens here in San Diego, I found out that the Iraqi's have been wanting the U.S. to come in and take Saddam out of power for a long time. Dont think its just because of our fire power they are now singing the U.S. praise.

I agree. If Iraqi-Americans -- many with family and friends in Iraq, many who have lived under Saddam's dictatorship -- feel force is necessary, then their opinion carries a lot of weight with me. More weight than someone who fervently opposes force under all circumstances, yet has never had to sacrifice for his or her freedom.
Iraqi who had to leave Iraq all with that Saddam disappears one way or another.

But not all want their relatives that stayed in Bagdad to be bombed.

And not all want US troups to stay on their territory.

And not all are very confident that Iraq future will be a nice and soft democracy.

And not all are convinced that the sole goal of USA is to free Iraq.

But they are times to discuss, times to imagine a better future, and times to just hope that tomorrow will come. Let's hope that the war will be short. And that the peace will also be won.
You know what, habilis? You are getting annoying. Why can't you just drop it and let it be? I'm tired of hearing the same old, same old sprouting from you.
Originally posted by chevy
Iraqi who had to leave Iraq all with that Saddam disappears one way or another.

But not all want their relatives that stayed in Bagdad to be bombed.

And not all want US troups to stay on their territory.

And not all are very confident that Iraq future will be a nice and soft democracy.

And not all are convinced that the sole goal of USA is to free Iraq.

But they are times to discuss, times to imagine a better future, and times to just hope that tomorrow will come. Let's hope that the war will be short. And that the peace will also be won.

Of course no one wants their relatives to be bombed. That's my point. The very fact that many Iraqi-Americans would accept the risk means that they believe inaction to be far worse.

As to your last point, I couldn't agree more. Let's hope that the war will be short, and that the peace will be won.
The fact that the Iraqi people need us to swoop in and rescue them from Saddam's evil clutches instead of rising up against him themselves indicates that they may not be strong enough to defendthemselves against another country trying to invade them, or even another dictator trying to establish his own regime.

We should invade everything and establish a global dominion. Then we wouldn't have to worry about war anymore, until of course someone tries to rebel against the "oppressive" United States of the World.
Originally posted by dlloyd
You know what, habilis? You are getting annoying. Why can't you just drop it and let it be? I'm tired of hearing the same old, same old sprouting from you.

Heh. gettin under your skin am I? Well, if I shut up, middle-America would lose its voice, so, don't hold your breath.
Ardan: I really hope that last part was sarcasm...

Habilis: No, you are not getting under my skin, I am just tired of having to wade through your repetitive comments to reach something worth reading. State your views, but don't continue posting them afterwards. Isn't spamming against to rules anyway? ;)
Furthermore, if you have to "state the views of middle-America" but no one else is piping up, doesn't that say something?
Originally posted by larry98765
Of course no one wants their relatives to be bombed. That's my point. The very fact that many Iraqi-Americans would accept the risk means that they believe inaction to be far worse.

Maybe they just don't know how it feels to be bombed, after all :rolleyes:.

If I remeber well, some orders had been given to American soldiers not to give candy. Anyone can help me on the question ? I think it was in some link given in an older thread.