IRC Changes & Notes


In accordance with Admin's changes in policy towards cursing and such on the boards I have changed them on irc as well. Although it should be public knowledge by now for current IRC users I will restate it anyway. Cussing is not allowed on IRC on any channels! The policy (as of now unofficial) is to kick you off the channel for a first offense and if its stated again your banned.

Also as noted in another topic channel #macchat has been dispanded and is now a private channel. Please use #macintosh as your mac channel.

Thanks for taking the time to read this IRC update.


P.S. We have a LOT of users on these forums and we need you on IRC, common in and check us out at: #macintosh
First off yoshi, kudos for your change in policy. I think its important that the official irc server for reflect the policy on the boards.

I think that its important that the irc server go with admin's more profesional policy.

However, I think that its important to have two channels. Two official channels.
Let me break this down for you.

1) creating official channels prevents 'rogue' users from creating other channels, and acting in a way that is not in compliance with the terms-of-useage for press3 and

2) Creating two channels, one for tech support, and one for "Herve's bar and grill" (aka all thoughts non technical) allows users to express non-technical thoughts to a technical audiance.

3) Two channels is necessary, even with 5 users. It only takes two people arguing over Quake3 vs EvNova to totally ruin someone trying to help another person start MySQL, for example. The #macchat gave users an official place to discuss non-techsupport-related topics. See reason #1 for why I think official off-beat channels are better than unofficial off-beat channels. Think 'policy'.

4) Two channels also helps releave stress of an op. With a 'looser' channel in place, the op can consentrate their resources on the important issues, in the important channel.

I think anyone who was in #macintosh on April 3rd, arround 5:30pm knows what I'm talking about.

Bottom line, if policy should be the same in both places, I think we also need a similar organizational scheme. And, I think a non-technical channel will make #macintosh more effective at helping people with their computing troubles.

Thanks admin for the wonderful irc server, and thanks to all the ops for working to keep a great place for tech support, and tech hang out.
Umm, can't we just have free, open channels that we can just hang out in? :-p We have like 10 people there MAX at any given time, why worry about any rules except for cursing :-/