IRC client?

Fire can handle the basic functions but not e.g. /nick /ping /cping commands. I have not tried ping with risen status with Fire.

I use Ircle. You can get that from versiontracker.
That has full commands.

There is also an irc program for this this site - it connects to out irc only. - do a search for the Irc client on the site and you will find the url to get that client as well. :)
I tried Ircle too, but decided I did not want to pay for it (and therefore would not use it, to be fair), especially as X-Chat seemed to work just as well. The only extra hassle I had with X-Chat was that I had to set the port range for DCC file transfers, while a default range is already set in Ircle, but this is easy enough to do.

I also found some other procedures (specifically to do with authentication by a "bot") worked under X-Chat but not under Ircle for some reason.

I'm not shooting down anyone else's views, just offering my own experiences as I had to play with a few different programs before I finally settled on one! ;)
I like X-Chat too... It's very configurable; even the CTCP responses can be tuned to whatever you want them to say.

It's avaliable on all major platforms (Win, Linux, MacOSX, *BSD, whatever), and is reasonably consistent in form and function across all of those...

Oh, and it's free... :D