IRC/identd - Airport Extreme - DSL


If my network is set to 'Airpot', and DHCP detected IP .
Now in the Airport adminUtil, if I want to Open some ports (lets say 21-ftp , 113-identd, and 33000-33010 irc dcc...) public & Private ports will be 21/21 , 113/113 etc.. but what do I need to put in the Private address field? ( - the dhcp detectd ip?) Anyone ? :)

Thanks ! :D
(DHCP detected IP isn't quite the correct term -- you mean DHCP issued IP)

If I understand you correctly, you want to open ports in the firewall. (I don't have an airport BS, so I can't see the exact dialogs you are seeing) What I think you are referring to is the destination local computer that will receive a particular port request. Private means inside your local area network. So, if the IP address is the computer you want to receive the port request, yes, enter it in the private IP address field. If it's an incoming ftp request (21), the request will only be sent to