Is Apple becoming the RC Cola of the PC wars


No one ever remebers second runner up or the bronze medal winners. I wish we could get out of this funk. We've been second fiddle to MS for so long now that linux is starting to inch ahead I really don't know if the world can handle that third party. The problem was that all these years everyone has thought of the pc wars as vhs and betamax... when in fact it really is coke, pepsi and rc. We used to be the pepsi now we are turning into the RC of the PC wars. I'll go down with the ship, but there is no more wind in our sails and if we are going to go anywhere where going to need to row, or figure out how to build a motor in the 17th century that can power this ship.
Ever hear of Apple's latest profit margin? While it's not likely to detrhone M$, it seems to be more stable and profitable than in many past years.
As for Linux coming in second, I don't know if it's necessarily on the desktop. I mean, I use Linux on the desktop without a hitch, but it still does have a bit to go. It's possible, but not easy as the Mac OS, or even Windows for that matter. However, if I were given the choice of only going Mac OS X or Windows, I would definitely select Mac OS X.

Remember that only the best games make their way to the Mac, which I believe is the only reason Mac version of Windows games aren't very abundant. The majority of the Windows games out there are crap, as goes for some of the other Windows software out there. Linux is making headway, and even some high-profile games are making it there. But it's the same as in OS X world...only thing is that Apple did get the desktop right on UNIX.
If you want to take this analogy to a more correct state, Windows is like Coke, Mac is like Pepsi, and Linux is any generic cola you find at your local store.

Most people seem to over look the fact that Linux is a group of operating systems, not just one. This is very much like Unix is a group of operating systems and not just one. As long as these are groups, they don't have the same ability to build a market that both Windows and Macs have. Until (and I don't see it ever happening) Linux becomes one vender (like Red Hat or SuSE), the public is going to question what they are getting.

And why all the FUD here? Linux isn't taking away from Macs, they are eating into Windows. There should be a ton of operating systems, not just two. Most of the current virus problems would be diminished if Windows had less than 50% market share. Besides, anything written for Linux can be ported to Unix and Mac a lot easier than from Windows to anything else.

If Linux is gaining market share, more power to them. It can only help us and any of the other Unix or BSD based systems.


If we were still using a Mac OS 9-type of foundation, then I'd be more worried.
I agree, Linux is widely used in the server world. Yes, people are using in on desktops, most are not. Apple is doing fine, I believe the Apple stores have helped out much. Unfortunate to say, but as long as professional apps are available, Macs are going to be fine. I would like to see us have more market share, and more then M$ Office.
I would like to see Apple come out with a low cost "cube"-like Mac, with ONE empty expansion slot, so that the user can select the size of the monitor, and place any card into that empty slot. The reason I mention this is that I'd like to see more businesses using Macs. Many scientific equipment makers throw-in a custom card to control laboratory equipment, spectrometers, liquid chromatography instruments, and robotics. These companies usually use the cheapest Windows-based PC for their equipment. Another feature of this computer is that it needs to be built to last. Pfizer recently replaced EVERY Windows PC and Power Mac G4 with IBM PCs running Windows 2000 and 17" NEC LCD displays. There are 3600 people working at the Research and Development site in Ann Arbor, MI. Most people leave their computers running all week long; getting infected with virii, worms, trojan horses, etc... or just sitting idle doing nothing. The latest round on infections are coming from a virus/worm that is compressed in a ZIP file. Every computer comes loaded with anti-virus software; it's amazing to see all the virus infections that are cleared out of the computers everyday. It would be nice to see a large company, that is very depend on scientific computing, take advantage of Apple's X-Grid computing while eliminating all the virus infections. When I leave work at the end of the day, my PC sits idle, doing nothing until I come in the following morning. The only applications I use everyday are M$ Office and Outlook Express. This type of software could easily run eedson any Macinotsh, but the Mac has to be of lower cost to attract businesses. Apple needs a Mac that isn't pretty, it just has to work flawlessly for several years until a corporation n to upgrade to newer equipment again.