Is my mouse shot?

dirt farmer

Greetings. I have a mouse, called "The Mouse", from a company called Macmice. It is a simple right/left click mouse with a scroll wheel. Lately, it has been double clicking every single time I click it. It is VERY sensitive. I make sure I am very careful to click only once, yet it always double clicks. This makes it very frustrating if I am, for example, trying to move a song in a playlist by dragging it. As soon as I click on the song, it plays. I have checked my system preferences for my mouse set-up, and all is fine. I have unplugged the mouse overnight, and the next day it is still the same. I have tried a different usb port... no change.

Is there anything I can do, or will I need to get a new mouse?

Thanks in advance
It sounds to me like your mouse is dead.

Pick up a new $15 mouse; it will save you aggravation of fighting with current malfunctioning mouse. Is it still under warranty?

As far as I know, most Logitech and Microsoft mouses can be used with mac computers.
From macmice/chwang Yi website:

Our Replacement Warranty
Chwang Yi warrants that its products will be free of defects and will work as advertised for a period of one-year following purchase. If not, the customer should email us at for an RMA number, which must be marked on an address label on the package in which the customer then returns the product to us. Upon receipt of the product, we will ship a replacement at no charge. We do not issue refunds.
It could be a software problem. Is it possible that you have some special drivers installed that have gone haywire, like USB Overdrive or some special software that came with the mouse?
I had a MacAlly mouse do that - it is really difficult to work with. Since I live in the land of limited Mac Choices, I installed usb overdrive and it gave me the ability to use the thing while I tried to decide on what to replace it with.

I finally got a simple Sony two button with scroll wheel until I get to the states to get something better.
limited Mac choices with _mice_? ... I haven't seen a country where there were no Microsoft or Logitech mice but others, non-Mac compatibles. Actually, I haven't seen a non-Mac compatible mouse in years...
As they say in Cairo - "Welcome in Egypt!" You can buy state of the art video cards, but no decent mice. I bought two generic two-button mice and neither worked - although USB overdrive got them working. They don't do Logitech here and the Microsoft mice are all either PS2 or wireless, I'm not ready to be relying on batteries. The Sony I bought is ok - but the blue lights in it are an eyesore, I'll replace it when I can.