Is the Finder a Cocoa application in 10.3?


I noticed that you can remove the brushed metal in Safari by going into its bundle and modifying the nib file. It is pretty cool to be able to do this! It seems like nib files are similar to the resource forks that were left behind in OS9.

Will Finder be a Cocoa application like Safari in OS 10.3? Will you be able to remove the brushed metal look of the Finder windows in the same way?
Unfortunately the brushed metal can only be removed from Cocoa apps is they also have the interface builder files required to display the Aqua interface elements as an alternative (From what I have heard on here). The Cocoa Finder does NOT have these files, so only the Brushed Metal interface is available (Unfortunately, as the Metal theme has sucked from day one).
I'm all for Brushed Metal Finder, as long as they rename it iFiles and let me choose between iFiles and Finder (the 'real' one). ;-) Won't happen, though.

I wonder how many users do not like brushed metal. Is it a minority, majority? Why doesn't Apple give people a choice. I for one think it is ugly. Apple usually equals elegance. Who at Apple is pushing this brushed metal look?
I Agree with all of you...Hatin the brushed metal from day one, at least give us an option to turn it off !
Don't like the polished aluminum, for the most part. Don't like the cheese grater, and I like only a MODERATE amount of brushed metal theme. Apple seems to be moving into a world where the only "colors" are various shades of grey, and it's not a great overall trend...

Though overall I believe I like the look of Panther, I just wish it had a little bit more color (I kind of like the dash of purple they use occasionally)
The original question was:
Is the Finder a Cocoa application in 10.3?

Does AnyOne know if Maxi Mice works in the OS 10.3 Finder?
This is the test for Cocoa...

ttfn Dirtbag
I don't think it's Cocoa. Someone was listing a number of Cocoa tricks that don't work in the Finder, hence it's not Cocoa.

And I agree about the brushed metal issue. I don't mind it at times, like in QT Player or iTunes, but I certainly don't want it showing up everywhere I look.
Actually, it's both. Although still primarily a Carbon app, the new Finder makes use of several Cocoa calls/classes. Remember, you can mix and match Cocoa/Carbon for different purposes.