Is this the year of the laptop?

Is this the year of the laptop for you?

  • My next computer will be a laptop

  • My next computer will be a desktop

  • Undecided

  • I will buy both

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Steve has declared it so!!! However, what about us, the ones who purchase the products that Steve builds?

The iMac I'm typing this on is the first desktop I've owned, before this was a 1400 and before that a 180. I've spent the past few days playing with iBooks and Powerbooks and have to say that they're all pretty incredible and with USB and Firewire it is pretty easy to add whatever devices you want.

Being a transient sort of person who is very much into portability in general, I can't find any advantages in owning a desktop. Of course, I don't make a living using my mac so....
Oops, forgot to vote, my next mac will be either an iBook or a PB, not sure, waiting for my bank account to grow!
Steve said so, true. I went to laptops in 1999, and still am... From a Windows laptop to a Linux laptop and now a Mac laptop. :)

But my next probably will be a desk, a 970.. or a retro Mac, a 970 inside a Quadra... but coexisting with the laptop. ;)
My 'last' mac was a laptop (ibook 800) a couple of months ago and I love it. I don't touch my desktop at all anymore (although it is rather old by comparison!)
So, BitWit, are you trying to tell your wife that you don't love her anymore? Just kidding!!!!!!

I was thinking too, that laptops must be more environmentally friendly, less plastic, metal, it doesn't cost as much to ship them.
I have had a laptop as my main machine since 92, though I've had a few desktops in various career incarnations. The newest machines (objects of desire) seem to offer all that I need and then some.
Originally posted by Ugg
So, BitWit, are you trying to tell your wife that you don't love her anymore? Just kidding!!!!!!

:p What can I say, she used both for years, and decided she would rather go with Windows, since the stuff she likes works best on Windows. :rolleyes:

Im just glad I have my PBFW, its dreamy.:D
The laptop is still more expensive and much more fragile... so as long as I don't need to carry it often, my preference will go for a desktop... with flat screen.
I have a Graphite iBook now that I will pass on to my GF as soon as my 12" PB arrives ... I'll buy a new desktop machine if and when I'll get rich enough to buy an 'Ultimate' PM! :D