

Do you think iSafari is a bad name? Personally I don't like it. Doesn't fit in with all its other iApps.

iTunes = Music
iChat = Chat
iPhoto = Photos
iMovie = Movies (the editing of)
iSafari = .....erm.....a Safari kinda thing.........huh?

Why didn't Apple keep it simple..........iBrowse (not eyebrows) iNet, iWeb, etc.

Do you think they should change the name for the final release? If so, what to?
where are people getting isafari?? people keep referring to it as this but it's just safari. it's a great name that is both humerous and fits the browser genre. it isn't an "i" app. browsers are probably the most widely used application of any on computers.

people have whined for ages about wanting apple to release a browser that can compete with windows browsers in speed and stability. apple did. now you want to complain about the name? give me a break :rolleyes:

but at least if you're going to do it, get the name right to start with. :eek:
People have whined forever about Apple apps being branded with an 'i.' Now that Apple releases one without an 'i', people are adding one to it for some strange reason and suggesting it be renamed to something else with an 'i' designation.

I wonder when the 'Mac' will be released. :p

On a more serious note: Safari is the perfect name.

Navigator (out in the Sea, looking...)
Explorer (obviously found _some_thing...)
Konqueror (did the rest...)
And now we're on Safari here. We're iTourists.
You could call the thing "New Web Browser From Apple" and I'd be happy... icon for the app too...looks gorgeous in my dock. :D
Safari seemed like a strange name to me too... but then I realized that it fits within the naming convention we've adopted. Browsers are all named with a name synonymous with travel. Safari is a one word derivative to adventure.

And since I'm mid rant, I really think we should go on an iDiet with all the iApps. It's hard to tell what names are apple's and which are knockoffs. A friend of mine is starting a company and he is strongly considering the name iTech, which is the worst idea since Elvis tried to get the Beatles tossed out of the US. People please, innovate don't duplicate, the iDay will become an iJoke soon and iFor one think we shouldn't push for more iApps anymore. ;)
iagree with Dan ithink. :D

(intentionally done this time, but i really have picked up the annoying habit of linking 'i' with the word in my sentinces that follows it. wonder where that came from? :p

i think it is also worth pointing out that inaming was not originated by apple and the 'i' was originally intended to stand for internet. so an inamed browser would make sense. actually apple has pretty much stuck to using the i as intended - all the iapps have internet connectivity. it's the 3rd parties that have driven the use of inaming into the ground.
Originally posted by owaters
Do you think iSafari is a bad name? Personally I don't like it.

If you do not like iSafari then why suggest to change the name to that. The application is named Safari NOT iSafari.
Note that Apple's other new app, Keynote, has no "i" prefix, so they're not entirely hung up on it.

Also, Mail & Address Book, both Apple apps, are similarly i-free.

Still, the i prefix is unlikely to remain Apple's exclusively. I'm still amazed there was no lawsuit over the "iPaq". The name (not the product) seems far too much like "iMac".


Groaner puns:

Maybe Apple could release some new 3d-goggles, and call them iGlasses....

Or a knock-off of the Sony Aibo called the "iChihuahua"....

What sort of a product could be called "iCaramba" ?
Dunno about those, but surely when you get a crash report it should come from a core application called iBad?
iRonically, Safari is the most "i" app Apple has.

The iCaramba could be an error reporter...

mtjn: What, your eyebrows don't work?
I think , (iThink?) the i thing is cool and uniquely Apple's but it can be overdone.

Apple had to toe the line too when it came to Safari, the adventure travel browser name is just too ubiquitous. I can relate to that much more than I can to Chimera or Opera or iCab. iCab comes close but it is such an urban image and the web is so much more.

The flip side to the Safari name is that it evokes such a stereotyped image. That of white european males creeping through the underbrush with their guns, ready to shoot at anything that moves, (probably an endangered species) With Apple's cutting edge design of both software and hardware, one would expect something a little more attention grabbing, something a little more on the edge.

Keynote is a great name, very staid and sober, meant to attract the businessman who shied away from the clam shell iBooks.

Hmmm, I wonder if I can parlay all this name stuff into an iJob?