iSight with iChat displays mirror image


I am a little bit puzzled.
Using the iSight with iChat AV 2.1, the images from the camera are shown reversed (mirror image). Using the camera with a video capture application, like BTV, the images are displayed and/or recorded normal.

Sorry for posting, I just saw the answer a bit too late!
Was the answer this? If not, you might want to look into it anyway... no pun intended, of course.
iChat AV's picture-in-picture and Snapshot is "Mirrored"

Video appears "flipped" in the picture-in-picture and Snapshot modes.

Views from your iSight camera appear flipped or reversed to you, like a mirror image. These views include:

▪ In the "Preview" window in Preferences under the Video tab

▪ The picture-in-picture view while in a conference

▪ The Snapshot

▪ The preview in the First Time User interface

This is by design. The effect is similar to what you would see if you were looking into a mirror.

Your image will appear in its natural, unreversed state to those with whom you chat.