Isp For Mac Users


Hi all,
Who do you use as your ISP, here in the uk i use AOL FOR MAC but sometimes i get strange things happening, a lot of the other isp's i have tried are not mac compatable, just interested to see who you are using and how do you rate them...Especially interested to see who do you folk use in the united kingdom...........Colin
I have Earthlink DSL and it works quite well. It has never failed, though the speed leaves a little bit to be desired.

I recommend you ditch AOL as soon as humanly possible, as they are the spawn of the devil, Microsoft being the devil himself (not to suggest a relationship between the two, just the level of evilness).
I'm in the UK, too. I use ntl broadband. I've had it long enough that I don't know whether they have upgraded their software to OSX but it was easy to install in OS9. Fingers crossed and touching wood, the only problems that come up are theirs, not mine.
Most ISPs aren't PC or Mac specific. On either dialup or broadband you just need to plug in the appropriate settings. I know some ISPs have proprietary dialup software but it's completely unnecessary. I've had a few dialup ISPs, used to use NTL and Freenetname. We've got Lavron DSL at the moment and my mum has Telewest cable at home. All I need to do is point OSX to our router with a static IP and for cable when I've taken my G4 back, I didn't have to do anything, OSX found the cable connection and connected to Telewest's DHCP server.
I live in England, and have used Pipex for my ADSL. (using an Hermstedt Webshuttle, it that's any help?). Had a great service with them, their tech support via phone and email has been prompt, and there's no capping or complaining, simply a 24/7 unlimited connection! :)
I use Time Warner's Road Runner cable. Love it. Never a problem. You can get a deal (in my area at least) with digital cable. Works out well. 1 bill for Cable and ISP. Have 2 computers set up with it. My girlfriend uses the same Road Runner service on a PC and uses AOL Broadband primarily. Since They're both Time Warner, it works out nicely (She just pays for her name-why, I don't know and don't care-pick your battles, Email address not being one of them). I used to have Mindspring. That was great, before and after the Earthlink merge, but I wanted Cable, they didn't offer it yet, and I got the Cable deal. I assume Earthink is great too judging from my MS experience. Great customer service, and worked as it should. Before that was ATT Worldnet, and that I don't remember how I felt. It was all slow dial up so, it all sucked then. But I don't think I hated it. I did hate their custome service dept. though. Same as their old phone service, before serious competition. So happy when the phone companies no longer had us by the . Before that, it's a bit fuzzy, but I had Compuserve and Prodigy at some point. For it's time it was fine I guess. Are they still around? But, I digress, If Road Runner's available, I would highly reccomend it.
I use macace and aol. I dont have a broadband enabled exchange so i am limited to dial up. Aol never cut me off and i can be online for 9 - 12 hours some nights. i use macace for my pay as you go and i will also use them for my dual channel isdn when it gets installed. are a mac only isp which is nice. i rate them well and they have a huge amount of options available from adsl to always on isdn. Cant really fault the service and i very rarely get spam in my mail box which is nice aswell. Aol are great but the gui can iritate me sometimes. but all in all i love them both :)
I'm in the UK and using NTL Broadband 600k. When I ordered it they said that it would work with OS X but they don't support it. I've not had a minutes trouble with it, you just plugged the modem into the ethernet port and thats it.
orbstah said:
I use macace and aol. I dont have a broadband enabled exchange so i am limited to dial up. Aol never cut me off and i can be online for 9 - 12 hours some nights. i use macace for my pay as you go and i will also use them for my dual channel isdn when it gets installed. are a mac only isp which is nice. i rate them well and they have a huge amount of options available from adsl to always on isdn. Cant really fault the service and i very rarely get spam in my mail box which is nice aswell. Aol are great but the gui can iritate me sometimes. but all in all i love them both :)

i have joined macace with pay as you go, they have sent me all the details to do all my internet settings but i am having problems getting a ppp conection, the diagram they have sent me is for mac os 9, is there any chance you can let me know the correct setting for mac osx.....thanks...colin
NTL's daughter Cablecom here in Switzerland. 600 kpbs cable access. Has been great since the beginning. You don't need Mac software, usually, if it's ADSL or cable.
The settings will be the same on OSX as they are for OS9. Go into Internet in System Prefs and make sure Internal Modem is selected. Then plug your PPP and TCP settings in.
I have Road Runner with a Linksys Wireless G router. When I hook up my Powerbook G3 directly to the Cable Modem it works great (via ethernet). When I use the router with wireless it works great. When I use ethernet on the router with my work laptop (Dell - I know its not my fault) the ethernet works fine. When I try using ethernet through the router for my Powerbook it s doens't. Ive even reinstalled the OS 3 times. Used 10.2 10.3 and 9.2. Do you think the router and ethernet not working is an isp thing?
I'm in the UK and I use Pipex ADSL and have never had a problem with it.

I used a Windows XP machine prior to my iMac and when I switched, all I did was print off the instructions on Pipex's website for installing the supplied modem on OS X with no problems at all.

The modem I got with them is an Alcatel SpeedTouch 330 which comes with Windows and OS 9/X drivers.
hehe, im sorry.

4mbps Adelphia Cable through the netgear, split to 5 computers - 4 wireless

its so fast!!!!! next year i think we get 5 or 6mbps. they keep bumping the speed cap.