Issues of Mail program


2 recent issues:

1. I cannot send mail or forward mail with the Mail program. Everything else about it seems to be working fine. I receive mail, etc., but when I try to send a newly created message or try to forward a received mail, the Send button is grayed.

2. Formatting issues. Using the command keys or the pulldown choices, I cannot make text italics or bold. Underlining works fine. So, if I highlight a word or phrase, hit Command-I or B, the format phrase in the menu bar blinks, but the text is not changed. Command-U works fine. If I highlight a word and open the Fonts panel, I need to double click on a choice, e.g., italics to get it to take effect.

I've reinstalled Mail. I've closed and reopened it. I've rebooted my iMac. Nothing changes either problem.

I am running OSX 10.6.4.

I would be grateful for any suggestions.
