Issues with Excel w/ 10.2.8 and Panther


Hi. Im a new member and hope you can help. I ve got a fairly routine Excel (not extraordinarily complex that is) billing system created for me in Excel 98. It uses macros that create new workbooks for invoices and statements etc.

When I run it on both OSX platforms in Office X, I have noticed a glitch. The new workbook doesn't end up on top as the active workbook as it is supposed to. It is hidden under both the "master" workbook which contains all the macros, and an expenses workbook that is opened as part of the macro commands.

further, If I go get it, make it active and click on it, its unresponsive! And if I click too often, OSX thinks Ive crashed and ...well, crashes/quits.

I have to first click on that 'master' file once like a magic "touchstone" .... and then select the new workbook and all is fine.
But of course that's sloppy and a waste of time.

Any ideas on a solution?? My guy has already tried altering the macro so that it does this little touch dance automatically to no avail
thanx. I was hopeful, but I was running 10.1.4 and the problem persists after upgrading to 10.1.5, the latest patch posted by Microsoft.
did you try repairing permissions?
Boot from your panther DVD/CD and use Disk Utilities to repair your disc. Maybe this will solve it.
Good luck
I sent my files to a techie at Microsoft who says he will try to duplicate the problem...and suggest a solution.

Think they actually will???
arnie said:
I sent my files to a techie at Microsoft who says he will try to duplicate the problem...and suggest a solution.

Think they actually will???

If he/she took the time to ask you to send the files, that's a good start! Please let us know - it would be nice to see MS interested in solving these kind of cross platform issues (if that is what it is). I think the Mac Office group at MS is highly regarded for putting out "the best version of Office ever" so I'm sure they are interested in fixing any issues like this.

While you wait, can I ask a question? I think its great you created your own system for this - but did you find various business software unable to meet your invoicing or statement needs?
karavite said:
While you wait, can I ask a question? I think its great you created your own system for this - but did you find various business software unable to meet your invoicing or statement needs?

I had used Lotus for many years. I had a similar syatem created by a typesetter friend who was proficient in early PC software (remember Ventura Publisher?) Im in graphic design, so when we switched to computers, I went with Macs. For many years I still kept up with Lotus on PCs for billing.

I finally decided to put my system on my Macs, and hired this fellow to rewrite my existing system in Mac Excel - - AND, to incorporate a wish list of functionalility that I had been missing.

(Long story, right?) Along the way, I tried Quicken, Peachtree, Quickbooks etc...but never committed myself to entering data, clients and especially all my past billing history.... I also always hate the look of these programs ' generic invoices etc!!

With the Excel solution, we started by importing all my Lotus spreadsheet data, and I just kept going forward.
The problem was solved by Chris at Microsoft!! It appears that my macros were written taking into consideration something that Microsoft changed for the OSX release.

Previously, when a macro finished running, screen activation would come back on automatically. My macros were written to turn it off, but not back on. With this Excel X release, Microsoft took out that feature. That is to say, from now on, macros must be written tighter: what you turn off one place, you must turn back on later. My new workbooks were hidden because the screen was still not responding.

They searched all instance and fixed each one for me.

I am very pleased! Thanx for all your help...
dagaz said:
That's actually excellent that you got such a high level of support from Microsoft.

I agree. As a Mac guy through and through in the religeous wars of the last decade, I must admit this was a very nice surprise.
arnie said:
I agree. As a Mac guy through and through in the religeous wars of the last decade, I must admit this was a very nice surprise.

Cool! I really think Office X is a showcase product for them - almost a beta for Windows versions to follow.