It says im not root


First of all, I AM the admin of my network, but the computer replies the messege that im don't have the authority to delete some files, tex: Preview in the applications-folder. And when I am using the terminal i don't have the authority to cat some files.
And i get this reply when i am running "newclient" in terminal:
You must be root to run /usr/sbin/newclient
I can't understand why i can't do these things because i am the admin.... Please help me...:confused:
All root users are admins, but not all admins are root users. To login as root, specify a root user password in NetInfo Manager (choose the Security option under the Domain menu), then logout and log back in as user <<root>> using the password. If you login screen doesn't have the "Other" option at the bottom of the list, correct this in the "Users" pane in System preferences.
admin != root

if you are the admin of the machine, then you can use sudo to get those privileged files and commands.

in OSX by default root access is disabled. there are several ways to enable root access. one is sudo passwd root. there is discussion in the how tos section
While I am here, let me point out that enablign root access is a security issue. The sudo option is available even without root login enabled, and is therefore the preferred method of operation.

Of course, it's your computer (or at least I assume that it is ;) ) so you can do what you want.
i have had the same problem and logged in under root to change some stuff. my computers totally crashed on me and i had to take it in. which for me to have to have some pro fix my computer is REALLY rare (in fact it never happens) and i felt so defeated. so a word of warning, know what the hell your doing as the root and get out as soon as possible. its a incredible amount of power and if you dont know how to use it correctly, youll get yourself in a ton of sh*t easily. very easily. you'll be tempted to take it farther and use that power to its max, BUT DON'T! even the guys who fixed my computer we're like "um . . .we're not sure what you did, or exactly how to fix it". so BE CAREFUL!
i don t think i have ever actually logged into the window server as root. there is simply no need to do that.

sudo command is sufficient for most uses. otherwise, you can su root, to get a root shell. that s all you ever need.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think you can su root unless root login is enabled. sudo works always.

Edit: This is really bizarre. This is a response to the thread, but I'm seeing it at the top of the thread. So for anyone else who is seeing this as I am, the next entry is the real beginning to the thread... :confused: :confused: