iTMS Future


Find a golden apple.
After reading an article that apple must release iTMS to the international market or risk loosing the market share it has gained, on Dec 16th issue. According to the article This would be due to other major players utilising WMA as standard for their products.

The question is are we about to experience the same thing that happend with word in becoming the corporate industry standard file format for word processing?

Would it be a great idea if iTunes had a file format converter built into it converting WMA files to ACC to support the ACC file format?

A fine line seems to be starting to be drawn between Apple and the rest of the world once again. But if apple released it internationally in MWSF that would be a great surprise.

Your ideas on the issue? discuss...
M$ is already trying to form an alliance with various companies to enforce a AV codec standard to to speak...wonder which one they'll push.

The story was on Yahoo's Technology News site a week ago I believe.
i'll never buy music in a proprietary format like wma. i would consider acc, but still prefer buying cd from shop and ripping to mp3...
There have been other threads about this... let's see if I can find them.

Here we go:

Adding WMA support would go against Apple's commitment to open standards. They push AAC because, besides being extremely high quality, it is not owned by one single group. And Apple still has the best service of anybody, and until someone does something comparably easy for the price, they will continue to hold the hill, so to speak.
"holding the hill" might not be enough. They must expand, I think the article is right here... The question is rather _how_ they oughta do this. Supportin' WMA can't be it. It's just not the Apple way.

However: How can Apple hold up against the Microsoft wave? Microsoft is making it easy for other players to adopt WMA. Why, oh why don't people adopt AAC? Is Apple keeping their DRM to themselves? If so, Apple is making the same mistakes they've made with Macintosh in the 80s all over again... :/