iTMS is Time's Invention of the Year


Apple Avid

Describing Steve Jobs’ introduction of iTunes for Windows at Moscone Center in San Francisco last month, Chris Taylor writes in Time magazine, “This crowd was more mack daddy than Macworld. Bono, Mick Jagger and Dr. Dre made video appearances. Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart was in the audience. Sarah McLachlan sang her latest hits live. What was pulling these musical supernovas into Jobs’ magnetic field? A software product that just might save their free-falling industry: the iTunes Music Store.” [Nov 10]
AfterShock6783 said:
Heh, did anyone see the new apple home page?
It's a message from teh FUTURE!!!!
November 17th, 2003. but today is Nov 10, 2003.
aftershock: time puts the date of the last day of the week they publish that mistake there..
That's pretty cool.
Now prediction for the future - "best computer ever, gains incredible popularity after people discover windows blows": Apple Macintosh!
[speculation]Napster 2.0 is CNet's Invention of the Year.[/speculation]

That would figure.
spitty27 said:
aftershock: time puts the date of the last day of the week they publish that mistake there..
Yeah I figured as much, but that doesn't make it not funny. I was just poitning out what I saw as comedy while keeping with the topic :-D
Speaking of Comedy, didja hear the one about Why Bill Gates Crossed the road?...
Because Dell and Adobe announced plans to join forces on a road-crossing project to be released in Spring '04?