It's been a you leave your machine on?

Do you leave your Mac on all the time?

  • It's on 24/7, or nearly so.

  • I go back and forth.

  • I only turn it on when I sit down in front of it.

  • My Mac turns [b]me[/b] on!

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This topic hasn't come up much until a thread just recently, and I haven't seen any stupid polls lately (until this one), so here you are!

It was a tough decision I was fighting between 'it turns me on' and the first one. I chose the first. Maybe a mod can edit and add another option.
I never leave mine on. I guess I'm afraid it will overheat, so unless I'm sitting at it or doing something that requires me to leave it on (downloading stuff) it's sleeping or totally off.
... currently on 16 days of uptime on my workstation.

the other machine running 10.1 server has been up for 2 months now.

only problem is that the windtunnel machine is quite noisy.
I don't turn mine off, I only reboot when I update system software, that's it...but unfortunately, since Jaguar, my Mac have not been able to go to sleep without waking up instantly...that's annoying when you want peace
All my computers are pretty much always on. I wouldn't worry about them overheating, unless it's a PC, of course. Believe it or not but leaving your computer on 24/7 puts far less wear on it than turning it off and on all the time. Startup puts a lot of needless wear on the components that is far beyond that of just leaving the computer on. If you're worried about power consumption, just put the system to sleep. Sleep really does draw near no power, waking up is much faster than booting up, and doesn't put extra wear on your computer's components. As for uptime, my Mac LC III with NetBSD 1.5.2 has been up for tower and iBook less only due to software installation.