iTunes 4.0 connect error

Andy Hughes

When I connect at work with a broadband connection I can use iTunes 4.0 and authenticate at the Music Store, but when I try from home with the same OS version, I get a -9815 connect error which says to check my internet connection. I am at the store seeing the song lists, but why can't I authenticate? Does anyone know about what causes this error?

Can't hear my tunes at home.
Well, I'm answering my own question. When we had a storm last week the power outage took my G4 down and reset my date to 1970. Apparently some certificate that is needed by the itunes authentication server got a wrong date on it when I installed itunes 4.0 When I reset the date and rebooted, the itunes authentication worked.

Sigh... unfortunately, before I realized this, to try to fix this problem by updating to 10.2.6 with the date set wrong, so who knows what problems the 1970 dates on files installed this way.

Living in the past.
whoa, I wouldn't think the date would matter, might look at litle weird, but hey you Mac is even more unique now. Grab a few disco mp3s and just take it on back, a lil Saturday Night Fever, Stayin' Alive. I'm mad I know some of these songs, I'm really getting old :(