iTunes 5 Rumor

The rumor about iTunes 5 having that "music loan" feature sounds cool. I think that'd be great (maybe a minute of songs instead of 30 seconds?). But of-course all the little kiddies out there would steal that music so fast.
MOSR is just repeating what has been posted at and appleinsider... but with a bit of their own BS pixie dust.

to see the orignial source of the itunes rumors, see those sites.

I think WMA support would be very useful in iTunes, as would WMV in Quicktime. And I think they should toss in RM support while they're at it.
WMA? Why? What for? :confused:
Having WMVs and AVIs on my Mac is bad enough! :p
Never cared for WMAs...

Hmm... maybe it's for all those Windows suckers who tried or will try and napster and figure out they suck? :D
Maybe Apple will configure iTunes to automatically convert WMA files to AAC ... just a thought.
Adding WMA (and even RM) is a good idea. It just adds to the switcher argument - "Look, now you can play WMA files too, and it's easier then Microsoft!". It's also good for Mac users who don't like WMA (and RM) but end up having to use it anyway. It looks good for Apple – supporting lots of formats helps dispel the old myth of incompatibility, especially when the standards that Apple uses are open ones.
Sogni, you may not like them (neither do I), but you will run across them, and when you do you may be thankful that iTunes supports them, if indeed it does at the time.
For those that even read my last post, i didnt mean that we shouldnt get WMA, i just think that updating the mp3 codec used (who's to say it isnt the same one used way back when it was SoundJam??) by iTunes is more important than adding WMA support. Yes, options is nice, but why not make iTunes a Coccoa app, and make it easier for it to use third party *NIX tools as plugins, like Obb Vorgis, LAME, (im sure there is a *NIX WMA codec somewhere) etc. I love iTunes, and I love it's features, but I think sometimes features need to take a back seat to performance, and evolution.
I really don't think that Apple would include WMA playback support in winTunes for many reasons. The first beeing, MONEY! It does'nt make financial sence for Apple to glorify AAC audio and go to great lenghts to school the public of its superiority to WMA, and then turn around and include WMA supportin their products. The second, ITMS. With a library now soon to reach 500,000 AAC songs, there is a a lot of investment in time and resources, that were put on the store. They will surely not support WMA in fear that PC users will use iTunes to purchase music from another music store such as Napster 2.0. and sync to the iPod. "If the iPod contains WMA support."
These are all good points, but who says itunes will support DRM in wma, if it does support wma??
monkster: adding RM is a completely different technology (stream vs still audio). But of course, that would be freaking awesome.
Does anyone have an idea of what the ratio of WMA to MP3 file quantity is in the Windows world? My assumption is that MP3 still dominates, but by what percentage I don't know.

If WMA is a minority player in the Windows world, then Apple can afford to ignore it and just let the Windows people play their MP3s and gradually move up to AACs. But if WMA is taking over, then Apple simply has to make iTunes play them (at least the Windows version). In the end, Apple wants Windows users to buy new songs from the ITMS. And they need to go through iTunes to do that. If iTunes doesn't support WMA and Windows users have huge libraries of WMA files, they AIN'T gonna use iTunes.

What Apple definitely won't do is provide WMA files through iTunes. That would be pointless.