iTunes 8.0 and library deletion


Hey all,

I recently updated to iTunes 8.0. I loaded the program and my entire library was deleted. I had all of my music, but my library and all play data had been erased. I know that this site is more for discussion on Mac OSX, but this happened on my Windows system. If anyone could provide assistance or confirmation that this has happened to them (whether on Mac OSX or Windows), it would be very much appreciated.
Ok so if you look inside your 'My Documents' folder, then inside My Music/iTunes folder right click and do a properties, how large is the iTunes folder? Is there any thing that says previous iTunes Library? I have not heard of this before. It should not be deleted on upgrade.
My library is 2.38 GB, which means that all of the music is in there. There is a folder that says "previous iTunes libraries", but I've tried loading it from the iTunes program with no success. Am I doing something wrong?

BTW, sorry about taking so long to reply. Thanks for all of your help with this =)
It cool, no worries.
So it may be best to move your 2.38Gb music folder to desktop, then open itunes and go File-Import folder, point to desktop 2.38GB folder and re-import all music. Once imported, make sure it has copied the files to the new iTunes Library folder in Mydocs/Music/ Once you have confirmed this is the case then you can delete the desktop 2.38GB folder. If the music does not copy over then you will need to edit the advanced iTunes prefs that say 'copy music to iTunes when importing'
Thanks for your help, but it hasn't worked itself out. It didn't recover anything.

Perhaps it would be beneficial to note that every time that I hook my iPod up to my computer and sync it with iTunes, it says that it's synced with another library. It's not so much the issue of getting the music back in (now) as it is that if I sync it, I will lose all of the information on my iPod. Play data, playlists, everything. I can't really much else.
So did you try the method I suggested above?
What error did you get?
You may want to sort out your iPod syncing issues at the same time...
Yeah, I tried exactly what you said. The music came up in the library, but none of the play count data or the playlists that were part of my last library showed up. The only error that came up said that my iPod was synced with another library.