itunes and internet freeze problem! ibook! os X!


Raver and Programmer
I just got my iBook today and hadta get a new ISP just to use in OS X (ugh). Im finding it not that fast but one thing is clear, if i listen to music in iTunes while on the net, os x freezes and i gotta do a hard reboot. its annoying and i keep losing downloads. i cant uopdate much since im on 56k too. as i type this however, im getting iTunes 2.60.6 or something like that off anyone have this problem? help?
im using mac os 10.1 and i have the newest ibook from apple. just read my signature for the specs. my ibook freezes a lot actually, but as long as i keep my apps down, i can keep it good. like now im listening to rush in iTunes and typing this in IE but dont have AIM on....hmm?