Itunes As Default & Unwanted Itunes P;aylist In Library


I know this topic has been danced around a bit but still want to hear from you internet radio streaming types. iTunes 4.x was supposed to fix this annoying bug whereby EVERY time you listened to an mp3 radio stream it downloaded a playlist from that stream, placed it IN YOUR LIBRARY, and left a copy on your desktop. after an evening of listening youd have to manually clean out the library and your desktop.

so i tried to switch to AUDION player (which i love), but ONLY for streaming radio, to avoid this bug, and use itunes for everything else. i selected audion as my DEFAULT HELPER for internet radio, and ran Onyx maintenance to clean out all plist files etc...

but ALAS, clicking on a radio stream (eg, from shoutcast) STILL opens itunes as the default player every time, doing the above library and desktop thing.

short of manually trashing iTunes preference files (which i am loathe to do in case i screwup something else that is not broken and works fine), any thoughts on how to clean this up. should i try to write an applescript (or use a preexisting one) to clean out library/desktop (IF that is even possible to do)...

i GREATLY appreciate any feedback.
