iTunes CD copy


Unofficial Mac Genius
Is there any way to make a copy of an audio CD by directly burning it to another CD, rather than having to import all the songs from the CD, and then have iTunes REconvert them to AIFF and then burn them onto the CD? Of course, the latter is better when you only have one drive, but I have my internal DVD-ROM drive as well as an external CD burner, so the former option would be better for me.

Of course, Disk Copy would probably work, but I'm not even sure if it would put everything in the right format so that regular CD players can read them.

Any thoughts? I would LIKE to keep this within iTunes. I don't particularly want to reach to third-party options.
well i have never used disc burner, so exactly how it works i cannot refer to. But burning from a disk copy is a common thing to do with toast for people who don't have 2 drives. the audio disc you are recording from is already in the right format so no decoding is neccesary. given that disk burner uses drag and drop i would think you could just drag the disk you want to copy to the blank. with toast this is a simple matter of inserting both disks and clicking the copy button. takes about 5-9 mins burning in background on my 8x.
i know you are looking for a better answer but at least this is betterthan checking out samantha fox:D

hey at less than 50 cents a disc what's the loss in trying?