itunes crashes mac, spinning wheel, blue screen on restart



Im having a few issues with itunes (i think its itunes anyway..).. Am really hoping someone can help me out as Ive done all I know how..

When using my mac (2ghz intel core duo, 1.5gb, running 10.4.8) and using itunes, its crashing and spinning. I belive itunes is the problem as I am using itunes each time the crash happens.

I am running: firefox, itunes 7.0.2, mail 2.1.1 all the time.
When switching windows over to itunes, and selecting a new song to play (or new playlist) the coloured ball starts spinning. Itunes becomes unresponsive to forcequit. Closing all other programs when this happens doesnt fix the problem. Itunes just keeps the spinning ball. The other programs are responsive when this happens, itunes just stalls in the background.

Ive tried to force 'quit process' through activity monitor and that doesnt work either. If by the very odd chance I can log out the shut down doesnt complete and gets stuck on a blue page with a spinning arrow. I have to turn off with the power button.

Ive run disk utility which is giving me errors. First, I selected my disk drive and ran verify disk and repair disc permissions. It gave me this error:

"The volume Lozz needs to be repaired.Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit 1 HFS volume checked Volume needs repair

Then I ran the same things on my account and it gave me the exact same error. The buttons to 'repair disk' are not lit up at all.

Thats all I know about the issue. Thanks in advance for any help.

"The volume Lozz needs to be repaired.Error: The underlying task reported failure on exit 1 HFS volume checked Volume needs repair

Then I ran the same things on my account and it gave me the exact same error. The buttons to 'repair disk' are not lit up at all.

Thats all I know about the issue. Thanks in advance for any help.

You can not repair the boot disk (the disk where the OS is on). If you need to repair that disk, you should start from e.g. a cd with the repair tool on it (any late OS X instllation disk) and select the specific volume and select repair. That should work.

Good luck, Kees