iTunes, how to "connect" songs


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
How do I have an un-interrupted play between two songs that are part of the same concert ?
If you go to iTunes preferences, and turn on the "Crossfade" feature, but set it to "0," it helps... a little..... but I still find tiny gaps in my Abbey Road.... oh well... it helps a little.
I wonder if it would help to edit the start/stop time of the files. If you select a track and Get Info, in the Options tab there are editable Start Time and Stop Time fields. I would imagine you could edit the Start Time of the second track to, say, negative .1 or something. Not sure. I think I remember someone telling me about doing something like that before.

I'll have to try that to see what happens.
quicktime pro has the ability to merge tracks. That feature alone is just about worth the price for me.