iTunes is giving me problems...putting music in my library


I am the law!
Normally I can just drag .mp3s from the finder into iTunes. All I have to do is drop them on the library icon or the library window itself and iTunes will import them.

For some reason it won't let me now. When I drop an mp3 on the library it floats back to the finder window.

I can open them the hard way... "File->Add to Library"

man this is frustrating!
Okay, it appears as though it won't let me drag in music from my second hard drive. If I first copy the mp3 to my desktop [my primary hard drive] and then drag onto iTunes, it works fine.

just a note...
my music library is located on my second hard drive, but the mp3s im trying to drag into the library are from outside the music library folder.
That's logical the files you're dragging aren't in your library already.

That's a real bad news for iTunes ! But iTunes wasn't conceived for importing downloaded music but importing from CDs... that's why maybe.
No, you are SUPPOSED to be able to add MP3s to your library by dragging the actual MP3 file to your iTunes Library icon. I've done it hundreds of times, and it still works, but only if I drag from my main drive for some reason.

It's very frustrating, it worked fine before I went on vacation :(
just double click to play the mp3s, they will be added to your library automatically. if you have the library consolidation or whatever turned on then they will be copied to your library folder as well, otherwise there will only be a reference to their original location

if this doesnt help then somethings up. when in doubt i like to blame upgrading to 10.2 rather than a fresh install, did you do that?
I am running 10.2 but I have been since it came wasn't a problem until yesterday. I left my computer for about a week while on Vacation. When I returned I ran the security update, restarted [I got a kernel panic while shutting down] and now this.

I let iTunes organize its own library. I just add songs and then delete the original file after iTunes copies it into the library.
Just a tip, you can MOVE files between hard drives by holding down the Command key and drag and drop. The little plus thingy on your cursor will disappear. This is verses a COPY of the file, and deleting the original on the first HD.

I just wish iTunes used by default:
Macintosh HD>Library>Music
instead of:
User>Music>iTunes>iTunes Music

Small gripe since it's easily fixed in Preferences>Advanced, but what else would the music folder be for?
this is something that I have thought about presumes that each user will have their own music files, but that doesn't really make sense. I just delete the music folder and alias it to a central music folder on my larger drive.