itunes library gone walkabout


My hard drive was full so I moved my itunes library to an external hard drive by dragging and dropping the music folder from the hard drive to the external. Because I had already backed up the files and tested them, I did not consolidate the library as the apple support site suggested, but only redirected itunes to the music folder location on the external drive using the itunes preference panel. Then I deleted the itunes music folder from the HD. gulp.

Now itunes has all the songs there, but when I click on one to play it, the message: "original file could not be found...would you like to locate it?" appears - I can do this one song at a time and it works... but there are 5000 songs!! Is there a quick way to get itunes to recognise the library saved to the external hard drive?

Have you tried starting iTunes by clicking on the dock icon while pressing the "option" key.
This should give you an option to select your Library location.
