iTunes PC to Mac Problem


Here's what i have done so far...

I copied the My Music folder from my Windows XP machine to a network drive.

From my Powerbook's iTunes, I selected Add to Library... and choose the folder on the network job. It started to bring in my 1415 songs.

Sometime during the process, the Powerbook lost it's connection to the network.

I cleared the iTunes songs on the Powerbook by selecting all the songs and deleting them. Okay...the iTunes library is now empty again.

I, again, Add to Library and select the network drive but this time it reports it's only going to add 904 songs. What happened?

Thanks for your help!!!
I guess you cleared out 511 songs. :)

iTunes presumably has a database somewhere that logs what it contains. You'll have to delete this. It may be Home -> Library -> Preferences ->
