iTunes question: dividing tracks.


Gone !
My MiniDisc has a very useful function: Divide. It divides your tracks very precisely where you want.

I have a big Talvin Singh & Brian Eno file I'd like to divide into little ones, but still, I'd like them to read fluently, without any chokes/silences between the tracks I'll create.

In brief, is there a way itunes can divide my tracks into smaller bits, just as my MiniDisc does ?

Thanx for answers,
Oddly enough, there's no iTunes command for splitting audio, but there's an option to "Join CD tracks." Go fig.

To do this, you really just need to use an audio program (Spark, QuickTime Pro, etc..) to import it, split it, and then save it out again.

BTW, iTunes and iPod both canNOT play one track immediately after the other... there's always a fraction of a second of silence. This becomes very apparent when I listen to The Beatles "Abbey Road," in which lots of songs flow right in and out of each other, and the track separations are during the music. The audio hiccups annoy me.

ok, I'm done kvetching.