Well, I'm done. Almost. It works pretty well, but there are a couple snags I have no idea how to fix.
First of all, it can't read iTMS downloads. Well, it can, but it reads them all as pure silence. I don't know why, since I'm using QuickTime, and QuickTime CAN play them.
Stranger yet, there is ONE mp3 in my library that it just can't process right (yes, just one). Again, it thinks the entire track is silent. It plays fine in iTunes, and it plays fine in QuickTime Player. No idea what the deal is with that, but I'm willing to write it off as an anomoly.
I'm going to have to update it to ignore m4p files and such "anomolies". That's a bummer, but I'm not sure what else I can do about it.
Would anyone be interested in using this program? It's a bit messy and complicated, what with all that GUI scripting, but hey, it works.