Itunes stores


I've noticed that the uk itunes store doesn't have certain songs the us one does and the other way around. If I changed stores in itunes is it possible to buy tunes from the us store aswell?
I guess it's _not_ possible. The idea is that the content of each store is only licensed for the specific country. So if your credit information is from the UK, you're free to buy the songs from the UK store only (whether you're actually in the US, Japan or Switzerland currently doesn't matter to them).
To buy from an iTunes store you need a credit card registered to that country, so if you are in the Uk you can't buy from the US store with a Uk credit card. To get a US credit card you'd have to have an address etc there, so unless you have dual nationality, I'm afraid its bad news.

The stores have different song selections because the copyright deal Apple negotiated with the record companies are on a per-country basis. Even if the same person owns the UK and US copyright to a track, they are still different copyrights, and Apple has to negotiate rights to sell them separately.

D'oh!! Beaten by 60 seconds. :P
I usually am the one who answers threads too _late_ as I open them, start to write my answer, then get distracted by, say, work - and when I actually _post_ my answer, some ten answers before mine have already covered all of what I was saying. ;) So I'm kinda glad that for once, I was quicker. ;)